Images that mirror internal instincts
The Look
A momentary stopping and looking…surprised by what one sees.
Glass Bottom Boat
The necessity always exists to unite our small boats to the Glass Bottom Boat to clarify the Ocean of Love and Life.
Bird’s Nest
Paintings from the place for cultivating creativity in all the elements—leaping from the Nest.
The Eye Witness Gallery exhibits paintings that capture the essence of internal experiences and landscapes.
Seed Pods
Potentiality of everything that’s created.
Moving Pictures
Paintings made during the process of moving my home to downtown Santa Fe—a continuous reel of paintings giving the illusion of motion.
Underneath everything is the Underneath. It is looking for me.
Comets & Meteors
These are images that fall from the night sky landing in the paintings—maybe Astral bodies.
Wind Harp
The Wind Harp, or the Aeolean Harp, is one of the oldest instruments. One places it in a window or a door so the wind can touch its strings.
It is this touch that releases the music inside the Instrument.